Alright so. Housing apps for U of I come out January 15. Not that I have to have a solid decision by then, it's just got me thinking. And if I dooo decide to go there, it would be good to get that in so I don't get screwed over. So here's the thing. I know I would love it there. It's got pretty much everything I'm looking for. Big school campus feel. Really pretty campus. Sweet college town. Awesome graphic design AND photography. Far enough from home to get away but close enough to not be a big pain. Lots of stuff going on.
The con list. So many people from around here go there. Equestrian team sucks (but close enough that I could come home to ride occasionally). Surprise visits from my dad..? Hm. Well this con list is kinda pathetic.
Compared to other schools on my list.. I'm hesitant to say it's my favorite but, let's be honest, it kinda is. SCAD is awesome but far away.. all art.. city rather than campus-y. Montana? Sounds awesome in theory. Also far away, don't know how good their art is, parents won't even let me visit. Miami.. soo preppy and feels too much like the atmosphere of my high school only bigger. Plus it really doesn't have any strengths over U of I except the equestrian team thing.
So. I've never really officially said it. But yeah, I want to go to U of I. For real. It just kinda bugs me that that's just what everyone expects me to do. My brother literally said 4 years ago that he knew I was gonna go there. It just seems like a safe.. logical.. choice. And I just don't like that idea. Except I know I'll be happy there. Just because it makes sense doesn't mean it won't be crazy awesome.
I e-mailed someone from the art school about double majoring in graphics/photo. It's possible... with an average of 19 credit hours per semester. Frick. Doubt my parents would let me go 5 years to get it either. Doesn't make me want to go there any less though. And I don't apply for a specific art major until soph year so who knows, maybe I'll end up in photo after all.
Not looking forward to the cheesy reactions I'm gonna get when I tell my parents I'm officially gonna go there.