I remember one time last year in physics. My friends and I were talking about how any math past the basics is pretty much useless to most people. I mean really, who has ever used calculus in an everyday situation? So later my teacher pulled me aside and asked if I really meant what I said about math past 7th grade or so being useless. She argued that it's not useless because it teaches you problem solving. So it doesn't matter if you know how to use calculus, it's learning how to work the problems that is actually useful. Alright Mrs. Scott, sure, but math is so not the only way to learn problem solving. Ever tried observational drawing? Solve the problem of making a 3 dimensional object look realistic on a piece of paper. Sounds easy but when you actually get down to it, there's a heck of a lot of problem solving. Every piece of art ever created involves problem solving. The problem: getting what's in your head out of your head in order to communicate some type of message. I've learned way more problem solving from art than I ever had in math. Math, at least what we learn in school, typically has one right answer. So everyone's learning to solve the problem the same way. No one's thinking outside the box and everything's already been figured out for you. And if you take a different turn somewhere along the way, you're screwed. Completely wrong. Your problem solving skills are different than the teacher's? You interpreted that question in a different way? Screw you, no one cares and you're wrong. Now switch over to art. Unlimited answers. No answers. Answer? What's that? It's whatever you want it to be. Whatever you think it is. Take the question and find a way to look at it that no one else has ever though of. You won't be punished for trying something different or straying from what's already been done. You're not just learning regurgitated equations and memorizing steps to arrive at a predetermined answer.
Art is so overlooked and underestimated. Everyone is too obsessed with standards and measuring and objectivity to ever take it seriously.

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